Top Five Games for Playing in Your Houston Pool
When people first purchase a pool, they often picture themselves floating in cool water on a hot day, or paddling around to enjoy a little exercise. But once the novelty of being in the water wears off, does the fun have to come to an end? Not if you try these fun games for playing in the pool.
Simple Games Lead to Big Pool Fun
You’ve heard of Marco Polo and you know how to race your friends across the pool, but we’ve collected some lesser known pool games that are sure to be a blast for you and your friends.
- Gator and Guppies: In this game, one person is selected to be the “gator” and stands or treads water in the deep end of the pool. Everyone else lines up on the far side of the pool. The leader yells, “Gator!” and everyone has 30 seconds to jump in the pool and try to make it to the other side without getting grabbed by the gator. Anyone who is grabbed also becomes a gator. Play continues until only one guppy hasn’t been tagged, then that person becomes the “gator” for the next round.
- Pirates and Sharks: Using two flat pool mats or a couple of air mattresses as “pirate ships,” players divide into teams, one for each pool mat. One or two people are designated to be sharks and stay in the water. An equal number of small pool toys is handed out to each “pirate ship” before play begins. The goal of the sharks is to pull the pirates off of their ships, which turns them into new sharks. The goal of the pirates is to steal all of the treasure from the other pirate ship. Whoever achieves their goal first, wins.
- Bottle Brigade: Each player is given an empty plastic bottle. They race to see who can push the bottle across the pool the fastest. The trick? They can only touch the bottles with their feet! (Can be done as a relay, too.)
- Piranha Ball: All players join hands and form a circle around a floating ball (“the piranha”). If you get bumped by the piranha, you’re out. You can splash and blow to try to get the ball away from you and can pull other players into the path of the piranha, but it’s against the rules to let go of the other players’ hands or duck underwater to avoid it.
- Ping Pong Scramble: Number a few dozen ping pong balls. Divide players up into two teams and place a basket at one end of the pool for each team. Dump the ping pong balls into the pool and let the players race to collect as many ping pong balls as possible within a set number of minutes and bring them to the team basket. Players can only carry one ball at a time, though! After time has been called, add the numbers from the balls that were collected for each team. The team with the highest score wins!
For over 20 years, Elite Pools & Spas have been providing new pool construction, pool remodels, pool repair and weekly maintenance services for Houston, League City, Pearland, Clear Lake & surrounding areas.
Elite Pools & Spas of Houston can work with almost any budget and give you a personalized vision of your very own backyard paradise. Whether you need new pool construction or remodeling services, Elite Pools provides the same quality and attention to detail to all of their projects. As a Hayward Warranty Station, they offer energy efficient pool products for your pool & spa.
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Ready to get started on your own backyard oasis? Contact the Houston pool builder experts at Elite Pools and Spas today!