Pool Maintenance Galveston, TX

There are many pool maintenance companies in the Galveston area that say, “We Clean Pools.” However, Elite Pools of Houston is one of the only, full time, fully insured and licensed pool repair and maintenance companies that promises on time visits and total satisfaction with your pool cleaning.

With many unique levels of service to choose from, you can make one call to our pool service department and then put your pool on cruise control. No more buying chlorine and skimming the pool and no more TIME WASTED on servicing a home item that is designed for fun and relaxation.
Starting your pool service is simple: Just pick up your phone and call for pool maintenance plans today and you can leave the hassle and work of owning a pool far behind.
Our programs are for customers who would like their pool maintained on a weekly basis. This would include manual vacuuming, water testing, filter back washing, cleaning skimmer baskets and adding chemicals as needed.